Our Story

La Vie Amour was born as a dream in my heart, one that turned tangible and today I get to share that dream with you! 🥰⁣
⁣The literal translation of La Vie Amour Boutique is life, love boutique...our slogan is...living the life you love + loving the life you live!⁣
⁣I chose the beautiful french language as it speaks to my heart and has since I was a little girl. I have always had an obsession with Paris and Parisian fashion 🖤⁣
⁣My boutique will be full of handpicked items just for you! La Vie Amour Boutique is chic, modern, obtainable fashion...you don't want to miss this!⁣

Please join our tribe and follow us on Instagram @shoplavieamour !

Hi friends, Britney here!

I am a wife, mama and the CEO and founder of La Vie Amour Boutique.

God gave me a vision years ago about creating a space for women to feel bold, beautiful + confident in the skin there in. A place where I could remind you of whose you are and how magnificent it is to be YOU ✨ ⁣

⁣Proverbs 31:25 says, "she is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future".

Words to live by, words to WEAR...⁣